
Monday, September 09, 2013

Graduate Student Workshop in Applied Philosophy

Extended Call for Papers
Inaugural Bowling Green State University Graduate Student
Workshop in Applied Philosophy
November 15-16, 2013
Bowling Green, OH
The Philosophy Department of Bowling Green State University invites submissions to its inaugural Graduate Student Workshop in Applied Philosophy. The aim of the workshop is to bring together graduate scholars working in applied philosophy topics to encourage constructive discussion and debate. Each presenter will be given an undivided audience, a commentator and at least 20 minutes for questions.
This Year’s Theme:
Animal and Environmental Philosophy

The Philosophy Department of Bowling Green State University welcomes high-quality paper submissions from graduate students that engage issues in animal and environmental philosophy, broadly construed.

Keynote Speaker: Paul B. Thompson
W.K. Kellogg Chair in Agricultural, Food and Community Ethics
Michigan State University

Submission Guidelines
Submissions should include two separate documents: A cover page that includes the title of the paper and contact information for the author; a paper, not to exceed 4000 words, should be included in a separate document and prepared for blind review. Please submit all documents in .doc/.docx or .pdf format to by September 20th.

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